Empower your Life

Feeling down doesn’t need to be the default!

Empower your Life: Women’s Edition

The Problem

How often have you felt tired, worn out or just downright depressed the past week? 

One day? Two days? Maybe three or more days? 

Regardless of your answer to the previous question, an interesting point to note is that it is very unlikely to be zero. Is that not absurd? Considering that we have seven days in a week, how is it that most of us have to experience at least one challenging day per week?

Understanding the Problem

More often than not, we tend to blame others in our lives or our circumstances for the occurrence of daily troubles. 

Connecting with others is a powerful value!


We tend to shift blame for our failures to our circumstances or loved ones because of the lack of a vision and alignment to our personal values. This might sound unusual, but the fact remains that we need to set expectations for ourselves so that we are devoted to achieving them, with a robust set of values to guide us accordingly. Interestingly, this is analogous to the common act of studying for an examination. While the final objective is being well-prepared to achieve strong test scores, the values guiding the student in his journey of preparing for the examination range from planning ahead (foresight) to being determined when faced with struggles. This is shown in the Journal of Applied Psychology study which states that people who are guided by their values are 1.2 times more likely to be successful in their careers and from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1.5 times more likely to be happy and satisfied with their lives. 

Now, all this sounds good, but it is not easy to immediately implement a set of values and a vision in our lives.? The journal, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, found that only 20% of people have a clear vision for their lives. This suggests that it is indeed difficult for many people to set values and vision. As human beings, we prefer laidback lives and to be care-free, and having to put in additional work sounds so boring and tiring.

Can’t wait to connect!


This is where leadership & career coaching comes in! I founded Annette Blum Person Coaching & Consulting to assist burnt out professionals with connecting to their values in order to create and pursue their vision. I am a tech industry marketing leader turned community builder and leadership coach, and am eager to share my experience and connections with you!

My latest event is the Women’s Values and Vision Retreat, from October 20th- 22nd October in beautiful Benicia, California. Expect a wide array of fun activities, from informative and interactive workshops to give you a brain and spiritual boost, to exploring nature’s beauty and immersing yourself in calm and joy through yoga. While all this is going on, you will meet other powerful women, who will motivate and support you.

If this sounds like the welcoming, warm and inspirational boost you need, don’t wait,sign up
here! I guarantee that you will rediscover something about yourself, and uncover something new, that will aid you in unlocking your full potential. Share this with your friends and family too!

We would love to have you at our retreat. See you on October 20th !


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